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黄玥/ Yue Huang 博士/PhD 副教授/Associate Professor

食品系 系主任/Head of the Department of Food Science


教育履历/Educational Background

Ø 2009.9-2014.6, 复旦大学公共卫生学院,营养与食品卫生,医学博士。/Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Fudan University. Academic Degree: Ph.D.

Ø 2003.9-2006.6, 复旦大学公共卫生学院,营养与食品卫生,医学硕士。/Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Fudan University. Academic Degree: Master.

Ø 1998.9-2003.6, 江西医学院公共卫生学院,预防医学,医学学士。/ School of Public Health, JiangXi Medical College. Academic Degree: Bachelor of Preventive Medicine.

工作经历/Professional experiences

Ø 2019.12-2020.12 新西兰奥克兰理工大学健康与环境科学学院,访问学者/ Visiting Scholar. Faculty of Health & Environmental Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand.

Ø 2013.9-2014.8, 杭州德凯万泰质量认证有限公司,消费品部实验室经理助理上海市教委产学研项目。/ Lab manager assistant. Department of Consumer Goods, DEKRA(Hangzhou) quality certification co., LTD Industry-University-Research project supported by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.

Ø 2016-至今,副教授,上海商学院太阳成集团tyc234cc食品系 / Associate Professor, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Hospitality Management, Shanghai Business School.

Ø 2008-2016, 讲师,上海商学院食品系/ Lecturer, Department of Food Science, Shanghai Business School.

Ø 2006-2008, 助教,上海商学院食品系/ Teaching Assistant, Department of Food Science, Shanghai Business School.

主讲课程/Current Courses

食品安全与卫生学/ Food Safety and Hygiene

食品添加剂/ Food Additives

食品安全风险评估/ Food Safety Risk Assessment

研究领域/Research Interests

食品安全快速检测 / Rapid Detection of Food Safety

人群营养与健康/Nutrition and Health


2022年度 上海商学院 教学标兵/ Teaching Model of Shanghai Business School ,

2018年度 年度考核优秀/ Excellent in annual assessment of Shanghai Business School,

2016年度 上海商学院优秀党员/ Outstanding CPC Member of Shanghai Business School.

主要教学课题/Teaching Research Projects

1. 主持上海商学院校级课程思政示范课程《食品添加剂》建设项目2023.1-2024.12

2. 主持上海商学院校级一流本科课程建设项目-(全英语课程)《食品科学导论》2022.1-2023.12

3. 主持上海市级重点课程建设项目-(线上线下混合式课程)《食品添加剂》2020.7-2022.7

代表性论文/ Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

1. Huang Yue, Si Xiaojing*, Han Mei, Bai Chen, Liu Sijie. Electrochemical sensor based on carboxylated carbon nanotubes and chromium black T for the detection of ethyl maltol[J], International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2023, 18: 100075.

2. Huang Yue, Si Xiaojing*, Han Mei, Bai Chen. Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Rutin in Food Based on Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Probe[J]. Molecules , 2022, 27: 8834.

3. Wang Yingchuan, Huang Yue*, Wu Han, He Gengsheng, Li Shuguang, Chen Bo*. Association between Dietary Patterns and Frailty Prevalence in Shanghai Suburban Elders: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18: 10852.

4. 黄玥, 宫霞, 司晓晶, 张路遥, 白晨. 新工科背景下食品添加剂课程教学改革探讨[J]. 科技视界, 2022, 8:68-70.

5. 黄玥, 陆文蔚, 崔琳琳, 赖婉婷, 何思婕, 唐立伟, 白晨. 综合设计性实验在“食品添加剂”课程实验教学中的实践[J]. 农产品加工, 2022,11:108-110.

6. Huang Yue, Lu Wenwei, Chen Bo, Wu Min, and Li Shuguang*. Determination of 13 Phenolic Compounds in Rice Wine by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography[J]. Food Analytical Methods, 2015, 8:825–832.

7. Huang Yue, LU Wenwei, Chen Bo, You Jie, Wu Min, Li Shuguang*. Phthalates in Commercial Chinese Rice Wines: Concentrations and the Cumulative Risk Assessment to Adult Males in Shanghai[J]. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2014, 27(10): 819-823.

8. 黄玥, 厉曙光*, 孙宇立, 李荔群, 吴岷. 黄酒对 D-半乳糖衰老小鼠抗氧化能力的影响.营养学报, 2013, 35(3): 304-306

9. , 陆文蔚, 唐立伟, 黄灵洁, 白晨*. 荧光分光光度法对黄酒氧自由基吸收能力检测方法的建立. 食品科学, 2013,34(18):189-192

10. , 陆文蔚, 唐立伟, 冯馨韵, 郑凯莉, 白晨*. 设计性实验在食品安全与卫生学中的教学实践. 实验室研究与探索,2013,32(12): 180-183,226

主编及参编教材 / Editor-in-chief and participate in the compilation of textbooks

(1) 黄玥, 白晨 主编. 食品安全与卫生学(第二版)[M].中国轻工业出版社,2022,8. ISBN: 978-7-5184-3883-9 普通高等教育十三五规划教材.

(2)黄玥主编. 人体营养状况评估实训教程[M]. 中国轻工业出版社,2015,5. ISBN: 978-7-5184-0411-7 高等职业教育十二五规划教材.

(3)白晨, 黄玥编著. 食品安全与卫生学[M].中国轻工业出版社,2014,7. ISBN: 978-7-5019-9482-3 普通高等教育十二五规划教材.

(4)王淑珍, 白晨, 黄玥编著. 食品卫生与安全[M].中国轻工业出版社, 2014,6. ISBN: 978-7-5019-9636-0 高等职业教育十二五规划教材